Monday, April 5, 2010

HS Valedictory Speech (for free)

“We know what we are, but we don’t know what we may become.

This quote by William Shakespeare makes me mull over my future. I know tomorrow is yet to be discovered because it depends upon what we are today. Analyzing the quote, however, inevitably brings worries to my system as to what kind of person I will be. It reminds me of the things I did in the past- the things that have moulded me to the current individual standing in front of you today.

Four years ago, I found myself afraid to face the challenges that would move toward my existence. As I entered this school, with an innocent mind hoping to be nurtured, I found it hard to cope with the changes that were existent. Adjusting with the bizarre environment was never easy. There were times that I almost gave up because of the quandaries that came my way. Let’s admit it, fellow graduates, studying is not easy. But here we are today, gathered, as we are about to receive the emblem of our staunch hard work and great aptitude- our diploma. Our presence in this very day is one big proof that we have been able to surpass high school amidst the challenges that we tried to elude.

When I was in my Elementary years, I found happiness over idyllic and easy things. The simple flying of a butterfly would already bring smile to my face. As I grew older, I realized that we are the ones who look for things that would astound us and make us happy. When I entered high school, things became complicated. There had been assignments that I had to rush because the deadlines of submission were approaching. There had been contests that I had to win because a lot of people were expecting me to bring home the bacon. As I had been exposed to these things, my eyes opened to the world of reality, the world in which a lot of problems are being faced, the world in which a lot of things are transpiring.

Fellow graduates, it is but an honour for me to be given this rare chance to talk in front of all of you. I have nothing much to share because I am just an ordinary student like you. But let me take this as an opportunity, in behalf of all the graduating students, to thank the persons who shaped us and helped us understand things better. To our teachers whose passion for educating us has always been undying, to our parents whose support has always been unfaltering, to the colleagues whose solicitude has always been unwavering, and of course, to the Divine Almighty whose benevolence has always been steadfast, Thank You so much. The power of words is never enough to end up the song of thanksgiving inside our hearts but we do hope that you can feel our deepest gratitude as we salute you today. Without you, we would not have been the optimistic persons exulting here in this facility today.

Dear graduates, as we always hear from other people, graduation is not the end of our journey towards an effulgent life, but rather, it is a fresh start of a busier, more complicated, and more unfathomable world towards erudition. It is our stepping-stone towards the lives that we want to have. I know that we will not lose hope as we continue and face another phase of life, because as instilled in our minds by our mentors, losing hope only means an end to our aspirations. Let us keep the fire of hope burning within us as we face each day dreaming, anticipating, and slowly becoming the persons we want to be. I am pretty sure that one day, we will return to our alma mater, swaying our bachelor’s degree diplomas up in the air, and will soon be dominating the world. I hope our dreams will take us to the corners of our smile, to the highest of our hopes, to the windows of our opportunities, and to the most special places our hearts have ever known. As we leave this school, let us not forget why, in the first place, we came here.

Before I end this talk, let me share with you a favorite poem written by Miriam Williamson:

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?

You are a child of God,playing small does not serve the world.

There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.

We are all meant to shine, as children do.

We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.

It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

Let us not be afraid of ourselves. There is so much in store for us in the future. I know we will surely miss the surroundings of this place that has been our learning field for four long years.

Once again, Congratulations to you my fellow graduates! Good day & Mabuhay!

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